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Sobyanin Will Liquidate All That Citizens Conquered in Struggle with the Former Power

Sobyanin Will Liquidate All That Citizens Conquered in Struggle with the Former Power
Baranov Anatoly 21.08.2013

Sobyanin cancelled order of former Luzhkov, according to which moving of cars on commercial basis was forbidden since 2004 (earlier that "service" cost 1 800 rubles to car owners). Paid evacuation of cars starts since September, 15. Estimated cost of evacuation will make 5 000 rubles. Besides, storage of the car will cost 1 000 rubles per day plus penalty for violation of parking rules — 3 000 rubles.

It is clear, that normal person doesn’t take unpopular measures during his election campaign. Or he can allow it himself in case he is firmly convinced - it won't affect the results of "elections" in any way. Sergey Semenovich, apparently, has 100% confidence in own victory in the first round irrespective of the fact how these unattractive Muscovites will vote.

Paid evacuation at Luzhkov was terribly unpopular, it was unpopular to such extend that Yury Mikhaylovich not being dependent on the voting of voters nevertheless was compelled to cancel it quickly enough under the pressure of public opinion, to tell you the truth bandits who were engaged in evacuation compelled people to pay much more, than declared 1 800 rubles and often "service" was so expensive that people simply lost their cars.

And Sobyanina offered by chinonik a payment for this "service" which we, generally, didn't order, already is very heavy for essential part of citizens. Yes, the employee of "Gazprom" will be upset more because it should go somewhere, somewhere to stand in a queue to pay... And the pensioner, today in Moscow of receiving 12 thousand a month? 5 thousand for "service", 3 thousand penalty plus five days on a shtrafstoyanka - here and all pension. And what the person will eat this month?

Payment for this “service” proposed by Sobyanin’s officials which we, generally, didn't order, is already very expensive for essential part of citizens. Yes, employee of "Gazprom" will be upset more with the fact that now he should go somewhere, to stay somewhere in a queue to pay... What about pensioner receiving today in Moscow 12 thousand a month? 5 thousand for "service", 3 thousand for penalty plus five days of stay on a pound - here you are all pension. What will person eat this month?

Situation is not improbable. Once I stopped on Tverskaya Street opposite to a drugstore, I had my stomach aching and couldn’t stand it any more. I went to the drugstore, bought necessary drugs and when I returned I found out that they were already engaged in evacuation of my car, they already pasted it over with some stickers, brought the wrecker. Well that time I "solved the question" on place, but what would happen if I had aches not in stomach, but heartache? It is clear that the car would be driven to the pound, the pensioner with heartaches would get additional stress and would hardly go the same day to take his car away, he could be taken to the hospital for several days. There would be already no need to take the car back and there is no money to pay for it...

Have you ever seen that penalties are equaled to the sum of monthly income of a citizen?

After all we speak only about official requisitions. Surely companies which "help" citizens to receive cars back will appear at once, it will be very difficult to act bypassing these companies, approximately the same as to sell an apartment or to register a car. I won't be surprised if such companies will be headed by relatives and close to capital officials people, well it is necessary to buy apartments to daughters...

Ordinary Muscovites soon will have to sell their apartments, as soon it will be too expensive to live in Sobyanin’s Moscow. They will liberate, so to speak, vital space for more successful and adapted to such life. May be there will no necessity to sell apartments, they will be taken away... It is old Sobinin’s idea to settle all "unpromising" out to die, not spoiling external view of the capital city.

The meaning of “elections” of Sobyanin becomes more and more clear in general – to take away from citizens and city everything that was achieved earlier in fight against former power using “trust mandate”. Citizens in Moscow shouldn't have rights in general, citizens are also no so necessary here - only misters and slaves.

Not to look unfounded, I will bring the words of the former head of the social department quite close to the power in the Central Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Eugene Gontmakher: "In Russia 71% of all assets of households fall to the share of the richest 1% of the Russians. For comparison: in the following Russia (among large countries) India and Indonesia this indicator is equal 49% and 46% accordingly. On the average in the world this indicator is equal to 46%, in Africa — 44%, in the USA — 37%, in China and Europe — 32%, in Japan — 17%. Russia is also leading on the share of the well-fixed 5% of the population (these are 82,5% of all wealth of households of the country) and well-fixed 10% of the population (87,6%)".

Such level of social stratification is division to misters and slaves. Slaves don’t have any elective and civil rights in general.

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