
Appointed New President of Ukraine Started Killing Citizens of Donetsk in Tens

Appointed New President of Ukraine Started Killing Citizens of Donetsk in Tens

About 24 people died as a result of attack of the truck with wounded militants in Donetsk. The correspondent of the Petersburg Fifth Channel Leonid Muravyev who appeared at the scene and became eyewitness of the event telephone× about it to ITAR-TASS.

"The truck was fired from bomb thrower. All who were onboard the truck died. I counted 24 persons. They tried to deliver medical care to the one of them, but he died", - the interlocutor of the agency told.

Information about attack of the truck which transported militants wounded in a course of fight at the airport of Donetsk was confirmed to ITAR-TASS by phone in the press service of the proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR).

Fights around the international airport of Donetsk took place all day yesterday. As the chairman of presidium of the Supreme Council of DPR Denis Pushilin reported on air of TV Company Russia 24, forces of militia managed to bring down two helicopters of armed forces of Ukraine and to take building of the airport under control.

Mobilization of all medical personnel is declared in Donetsk. "Attention! Urgent mobilization of all medical personnel, of the hospitals named after Vishnevsky and Kalinin and regional traumatology, - is spoken in the message of DPR. - Doctors, volunteers, donors are urgently necessary”.

Situation in Donetsk at the moment is rather quiet. No sounds of firing and explosions are heard. However violent fighting between militants and fighters of the Ukrainian National Guard took place just few hours ago in the city near Putilovsky Bridge and regional military registration and enlistment office. As the correspondent of the agency reported from the place of events, the area of operations was surrounded by militia, however, law enforcement officers took care of themselves as they were armed only with service guns, not with automatic weapon.

Apparently, new "chocolate king" of Ukraine Poroshenko who declared earlier that "anti-terrorist operation" had to proceed not days, but hours tried to prove to those who appointed him that he was in character with his actions. After all his owners from over the ocean in fact let him clearly know that mean separatists who don't wish to join values of the civilized world and to glorify Bander have to die, and the more corpses the better. So, it is necessary to try his best...



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