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Incorporated Aviabuilding Corporation Appears to Be Founded for Gross Sale?

Incorporated Aviabuilding Corporation Appears to Be Founded for Gross Sale?

Incorporated aviabuilding corporation (IAC) plans to enter primary public placing of shares (IPO) in 2008, General Manager of IAC Alexey Fedorov informed on Monday to journalists. "We plan to enter IPO within two years and up to the end of current year we plan to pass listing at the Russian stock exchange", - Fedorov said.

He also didn’t deny that up to the entering of IPO IAC would actively work in the financial market involving loans and issuing bills. As he said, it is necessary for corporation so that "to raise recognition of the emitter". Though recognition of this emitter has been already reached long time agoin the State Office of Public Prosecutor.

"IAC is founded according to the decision of the governmental commission on maintenance of integration of the enterprises of aviabuilding complex only in November, 2006. The structure of the companyhasn’t been defined yet, it’s not quite clearwhat will be the way of distribution of shares of structures of different forms of ownership entering into it inside the company. In this connection placing of actives of the company not actually existing on IPO as a priority looks at least strange. I would even say, a little wildish", - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov thinks.

- It seemed to me that incorporated aviabuilding company was created mainly for the sake of optimization of process of development and manufacture of new domestic aviation techniques, - Anatoly Baranov continues. – And it seemed that a visiting card of the company should be some industrial decisions, new design developments but not a gamble with artificially concentrated enormous actives in the international financial market. To tell the truth, having surplus of alive money inside the country and constant inner sub-investment of production placing of shares of IAC on IPO is not necessary at all. Anyway it is a question far not the prime one. Short of all loud but unfinished projects of last time like a fighter of "the fifth generation", updatings of serial machines MIG and "Suhoj", project RRG as PR-preparation for scale swindle on a foreign market.

"Though, certainly, - Anatoly Baranov finishes, - in a view of last personnel decisions in defensive branch one could wait for something similar. For example, to collect all aviaprom in one heap and to sell all by the gross. By the way, it’s also possible to sell the army and the remains of the navy. As well as Chukotka as a complete set to Alaska
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