
Kiev Treated Chernomyrdin’s Threats "to Reconsider the Russian – Ukrainian Relations in Case Ukraine Enters NATO"

Kiev Treated Chernomyrdin’s Threats "to Reconsider the Russian – Ukrainian Relations in Case Ukraine Enters NATO"

Prime-minister Julia Timoshenko for the first time lately didn't exclude her participation in next presidential elections. Making public speech on Monday on TV in Dnepropetrovsk, she said that it would happen if there would be obstacles to the work of the government.


In particular, answering the question of the showman, whether she would like to become the president, ôimoshenko said: "It is very direct question. I am satisfied with a post of prime-minister, if they will allow to work. Prime-minister has enough work for 24 hours a day without days off and holidays. And if the work of the government to clamp in certain limits, they will start to make terms: do not touch this, here you are our people, here we have our power structures, - then it's a question".


Earlier, as it's known, ôimoshenko said that in case of preservation of unity of "orange" command, she's ready to work on a post of prime-minister after next presidential elections. "If the democratic command led by the president of Ukraine, the government of the country will be capable to serve society and not to organize competition and opposition again, I am ready to work in the status which I have today", - she said. The prime-minister declared in Dnepropetrovsk that Ukraine should decide on the form of the state management. She considers that people should elect on referendum between strictly parliamentary or strictly presidential form. After that it's necessary to create new Constitution.


Next day, on January, 15th Victor Jushchenko addressed the members of the government - representatives of the block "Our Ukraine - National Self-Defense" with the requirement to coordinate their work with Secretariat of the President. On Tuesday the meeting of the head of the state with the block "Our Ukraine - National Self-Defense", members of the cabinet of Ukraine and the first assistants appointed under the offer of the block took place. Chairman of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine Arseny Jatsenjuk and the chapter of Secretariat of the President Victor Baloga also participated in the meeting.


At the meeting Jushchenko offered the detailed mechanism of coordination of work of Secretariat and representatives of the block "Our Ukraine - National Self-Defense" in executive authority: such meetings should become regular weekly tradition. Secretariat of the President will become a place for carrying out of such meetings and Minister of Defence Jury Ekhanurov will be responsible for their coordination.


The president asked fraction to show consolidated position on all questions, to develop the mechanism of acceptance of coordinated decisions inside of fraction and maintenance of their embodiment in the governmental structures.


"A fraction which is not solid is not worth a two-bit", - Jushchenko declared. As he said, a priority task among the ones to the governmental members of "Our Ukraine - National Self-Defense" is modification of budget for the current year and also support of a healthy macroeconomic climate which should, among other, found the growth of GDP up to 7-8% at year-end.


The president also outlined a number of priorities in the social, cultural and information policy. Besides ministers were reminded of their responsibility for duly carrying out of preparatory measures to the championship of the Europe on football "Euro-2012". The meeting of fraction "Our Ukraine - National Self-Defense" and its representatives in the government with the president proceeded more than an hour, it passed in the mode closed for press.


Earlier echoes of conflicts between the fraction and Secretariat of the President already appeared in press. However, the members of "Our Ukraine - National Self-Defense" declared that pressure from Secretariat cannot split fraction. The head of Ukrainian editorial board of FORUM.msk Vladimir Filin, making comments by phone from Switzerland where he's now, political strike in Kiev said:


"Julia Vladimirovna, undoubtedly, will achieve modification in the Constitution which will make our country presidential republic, after that she will peg for the president and will become it".


Victor Andreevich, arranging blasts to the members of fraction and ministers, runs behind leaving train. The most part of the fraction and members of the government from "Our Ukraine - National Self-Defense" has already gone to Julia Timoshenko, even mister Baloga will fail to return and "parade" it now".


Meanwhile, Kiev was visited by known American senator-republican Richard Lugar who informed that the supreme leaders of our country signed application to NATO about connection of Ukraine to the Plan of action related to membership in NATO at the Bucharest summit of the alliance. 


In that context Lugar told about the meeting with Victor Jushchenko the following: "This morning Jushchenko said that the president, the prime-minister and the speaker signed an application which called for consideration of possibility of joining of Ukraine to the Plan of action related to membership in NATO during Bucharest summit". According to Lugar, Jushchenko noted that it would allow to develop all-round discussion of that question by people, that subsequently could lead to carrying out of a referendum on the question.

"The president of Ukraine asked support from the president of the USA and others in the general movement by way of approach the Plan of action related to membership in NATO at the Bucharest summit", - the senator emphasized, having noted, that the USA were interested in participation of Ukraine in peace-making operations.


"The USA are grateful to Ukraine for that important support which was rendered by Ukraine in Iraq and I think that we'll hope and ask about support both in Iraq and in Afghanistan and other places where interests of peace are being required all over the world", - he said.


Besides the senator expressed hope that the president of the USA Georges Bush in April of the year would visit Ukraine. "But it should be discussed between presidents", - he added.


It is necessary to note that recently the Secretary General of NATO Jaap de Hoop Sheffer emphasized necessity to use intensified dialogue which existed between Ukraine and the North Atlantic alliance in full. At the same time he informed that he couldn't say, whether Kiev could join a plan of action on reception of membership in NATO in Bucharest at the summit of NATO.


Sheffer paid attention to that fact that the new government had been recently formed in Ukraine with which meantime "there's no contact"". "But it will happen soon", - Secretary General of NATO expressed hope.


In his turn the ambassador of Russia in Ukraine Victor Chernomyrdin declared that after introduction of Ukraine to NATO the Russian Federation would reconsider relations with it. "Where Ukraine wishes to enter, with whom it wishes to be friends, whom it wishes to love - is its internal business. NATO, EU - is your choice. Please, enter, if you think that it's necessary. We simply explain: if you enter NATO, we will be compelled to reconsider our relations," - the ambassador threatened.


In Chernomyrdin's opinion, Russia will be compelled to react, "as Ukraine - is our greatest neighbour. And we have too close communications, in particular also in "sensitive" technologies, political affairs, so that so simply treat the fact that Ukraine becomes a member of NATO", - he said.


Chernomyrdin considers that Ukraine should define precisely the reasons for possible integration into alliance. "NATO - is a military block. I hear in Ukraine conversations: "NATO - is a club". Interesting club... With nuclear weapon. Warsaw pact, which appeared in opposition to NATO, was not a club. Why then alliance became the one?


They say today that NATO protects from military threat the states which enter into it, placing on their territories military bases. Then there is a question: whether Ukraine is being attacked by someone?", - he noted.


The ambassador of Russia emphasized that the Kremlin did not wish to reconsider relations with Ukraine. Therefore we explain our position and possible consequences for Ukraine at all levels. But we do not say - do not enter. It is - your choice", - he added.


Vladimir Filin agrees with Victor Chernomyrdin's last idea:


"For sure, Ukraine itself, without unforgettable Victor Stepanovich's importunate advices will define with introduction into NATO. As to regular threats from the Kremlin in our address about certain reconsideration of the Russian-Ukrainian relations in case of our connection North Atlantic alliance, that, as they say, we are being frightened - but we are not afraid. It's all the bosh, nobody will make anything to us, hand is short".

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