
The Raped in Make-Up. One More Time about Boycott of Presidential Elections

The Raped in Make-Up. One More Time about Boycott of Presidential Elections

Well-known liberal edition "Daily Magazine" addressed the CEC of the Russian Federation in relation to "Presidential Elections of Russia". A little and very simply is stated there: "At the total control of authority over all political space of the country, because of the lack of freedom of speech and open political competition these, if one may say so, "elections", which result is known in advance, cannot be neither fair, nor free. Hence, it's not elections, but a farce! I won't participate in a farce for which the Kremlin substitutes free will expression of citizens. We plan to give a petition to the CEC and bring the results of this action open".

Here you are an open petition for all wishing to. It's already signed by:

1. Nemtsov Boris Efimovich, statesman
2. Kiselev Eugenie Alexeevich, journalist
3. Satarov Georgy Alexandrovich
4. Alexeeva Ludmila Michjlovna
5. Bonner Elena Georgievna, doctor, pensioner, invalid of the Great Patriotic War, II  group
6. Ryklin Alexander Jurievich, journalist
7. Reznik Maxim Lvovich, statesman
8. Podrabinek Alexander, journalist
9. Milov Vladimir Stanislavovich, statesman
10. Rubinshtein Lev Semenovich, writer
11. Litvinovich Marina Alexeevna, statesman
12. Shenderovich Victor Anatolievich, writer
13. Kara-Murza Vladimir Vladimirovich, journalist, hystorian
14. Gessen Maria Alexandrovna, journalist
15. Matvejchenko (Blant) Maksim Vladimirovich
16. Belkovsky Stanislav Alexandrovich, publicist
17. Golts Alexander Matveevich, journalist
18. Jasina Marina Evgenievna
19. Bilunov Denis Borisovich
20. Pashkova Olga Valentinovna, journalist
21. Muhin Anton Valerievich, journalist
22. Chernenkaya Olga Konstantinovna, journalist
23. Sobe-Panek Marina Viktorovna, scenarist
24. Drozdov Oleg Valerievich, printer
25. Solovjeva Tatyana Olegovna
26. Margelov Sergey Alexandrovich, manager
27. Grigoriev Alexey Lvovich, businessman
28. Didovets Eugenia Tursunovna, housewife
29. Grishanovich Vladimir Vladimirovich, accountant
30. áfonin Ivan Sergeevich
31. ëaluzhskaya Elena Alexeevna, journalist
32. ôetslav Sergey Emilievich, engineer
33. Dymochka Alexander Aleksandrovich, student
34. Pavlovich Georgy Vladimirovich, doctor
35. Pivovarov Pavel Leonidovich, manager
36. ôarasevich Grigory Vitalievich, journalist
37. Feoktistov Dmitry Veniaminovich, political scientist
38. Feoktistova Ekaterina Alexandrovna, manager
39. Ginkul Roman Vladimirovich
40. Burdejnaya Tatyana Nikolaevna, pensioner
41. Belomestnov Dmitry Victorovich, journalist
42. Samartsev Alexander, editor, journalist
43. Poletaev Jury Andreevich, student
44. Khlopunov Victor Alexandrovich, student, programmer
45. ëuzmin Dmitry Victorovich
46. Gorovets Alexander Vladimirovich, student
47. Gumenyuk Alexander Vitalievich, technical director of electro station
48. Khandrikov Ilya Nikolaevich, businessman
49. Jablokova Ludmila Antonovna, lawyer
50. Usmanov Anvar Fakelovich

(all in all there are 841 signatures at the present moment)


From editorial board: It is possible to become easily the 842-nd. Perhaps, it is even necessary, though not so much. This ship has sailed and it even approaching terminal point and it's silly enough to stand on the platform which has become empty and shout to it behind: "Passengers, a train is crappy, hand over tickets!"


From the point of view of an individual, trying to define his personal (moral, ethic) attitude to an event outside from his microcosm, probably, it has very big value. While from the point of view of surrounding macro world, excuse me, it's nothing doing.

The situation with elections is desperate enough but by tradition a society addresses with a question "What to do?" to people who have more or less proved themselves as "mastermind", while there is, in general, nothing to answer. Unfortunately there are in life desperate situations and quite often. The Americans say: "if a rape is inevitable, relax and receive a pleasure", while it's usual in Russia to ask after: "Well, how did I look?"


As the raped in make-up... The ones who signed petition, likely, look better, than those who simply silently snuffles. But the general result thus is unfavourable all the same. The list of those signed is not so long to be fair. The attitude to those signed from the part of citizens, should be, different. But the matter is not in those who signed, certainly, but in those who didn't sign, there are majority of them. And it, by the way, allows to say: "here you are a group of cast-offs". An old checked up word - "cast-off". The candidate to "philosophic steamer" at best, at worst - future worker of a felling. However, if there will be a million signatures or, what is better, ten millions, a theme will have its continuation. And now - the first in the list - Boris Nemtsov - once delivered some petitions to the Europe, in a biiiiig truck. When the truck was open before TV camera, just a couple of shyly snuggling papers were found there, it was possible to get them in a case.


I am not saying that it is not necessary to do anything. I am saying that if calling to action, let even the simplest one, such as to put signature, it is necessary to distinguish own moral act from political action. Sometimes these things coincide but oftener they all the same differ.


All of us today are in position of humiliating feebleness. Except for those, certainly, who are happy with everything and will go to vote with quiet heart for whom it is necessary. All of us have already lost this round, but the struggle is far not ended and life still exists in some places.


Let's live and see.

Anatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk
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