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Inspired by the Growth of Unfriendly Pressure from Abroad Enemies Drive a Wedge between Putin and Medvedev

Inspired by the Growth of Unfriendly Pressure from Abroad Enemies Drive a Wedge between Putin and Medvedev
Roeva Natalya 26.06.2008

On parliamentary assembly of Council of Europe there were appeals to Russia to direct incomes from natural resources on modernization of economy and the president of the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development Jean Lemer warned the Russian authorities about possible negative consequences of high inflation.


Lemer called level of inflation in Russia excessively high. Especially he noted a rise in prices on agricultural production. Making public speech at session of PASE he warned that such problems in economy could have negative consequences. "Growth of inflation, naturally, leads to growth of political problems which couldn't be forgotten", - Jean Lemer emphasized.


Meanwhile political problems, obviously, already arise. It appeared that certain destructive forces try to drive a wedge between president Dmitry Medvedev and the chapter of the Cabinet Vladimir Putin. It was declared by the first assistant to the chapter of the Kremlin administration Vladislav Surkov at a meeting with active workers of youth movements supervised by him.


Surkov is not the first who speaks about "silent opposition" in the Kremlin, Newsru.com informs. The leader of the Kremlin organization "Russia Young" Maxim Mishchenko told about his application being on the air of "Echo of Moscow". According to him, future changes in the country, according to Surkov, are connected with "increase of unfriendly pressure from abroad".


Mishchenko declared that Medvedev's electoral programm "was Putin's program" and "people gave him an order to base completely on the policy which was carried out by Putin". "If now the rate will change, as a matter of fact, all our struggle, all our actions which we made will turn out to be useless", - Surkov's active worker declared. In his opinion, expectation of greater liberality of Medvedev threatens "with such processes in a society which will return us in 90th years".


In his turn political scientist Dmitry Oreshkin declared that "Surkov babbled, let us know that there were "serious divergences between the groups of influence" of the president and chairman of the government".


Earlier, as it's known, it was already stated in press that Medvedev ostensibly prepared "soft mopping up of the Kremlin security officials". Vice-president of RUIE Igor Jurgens recently declared that Medvedev entered war with security officials dissatisfied with his program of liberal reforms establishing leadership of law and counteracting corruption.


Specifying yesterday on "Echo of Moscow" his position, Igor Jurgens said: "It's not Medvedev who is in war with somebody but there is somebody in war with him.... Each of the reforms necessary to us, from judicial up to struggle against corruption, reform of pension system, public health services and education will cause silent and very serious resistance of those groups which are now in power of the corresponding establishments, institutions, etc. From rectors of high schools, so to say, up to judges of various levels. Therefore it's some kind of serious resistance to reforms.


To tell you the truth about 70% of our population believes neither in market, nor in democracy, nor some West. They would like inflation to be lower, incomes higher. While all these bells and whistles, all these democracies, electivities, multi-party systems are, in general, to put it mildly, not ours and rigidly speaking, hostile....


For these people, certainly, those reforms which are necessary for carrying out of reform of the aforesaid... they are absolutely necessary. Without politically competitive system, without democracy of the western or east type, no matter how you call it, we will not succeed in a lot of things.


Therefore it's not some clan, it's not one group headed by Mr. or Mrs. "X", but very influential forces in our society which is possibly to struggle with only by construction of coalition, which tell how it's better to live and prove that only such way is pragmatic".


Anatoly Chubays also spoke about forthcoming liberal reforms yesterday in interview to foreign press, in particular, to the American newspaper Wall Street Journal. "Architect of the postSoviet program of privatization in Russia, - writes the newspaper, - expressed opinion that new president Dmitry Medvedev would fulfill his promises to weaken control of the Kremlin over economic and political life".


"Chubays said in interview that Medvedev's promises to improve leadership of law to strengthen democracy and to carry out market reforms - are not simply words". "We move in a liberal direction", - Chubays emphasized.


"Chubays made those optimistic applications after some years of criticism, at times rigid, of ex-president Vladimir Putin who chose Medvedev as the successor. In December Chubays ciphered "Edinaya Russia", Putin's party, having called it "Soviet" and parliamentary elections where it gained a shattering victory, disgusting. In January he condemned foreign policy of the Kremlin aimed at confrontation, having declared that it made harm to economy", - Wall Street Journal informs.


"Chubays's optimistic estimation of Medvedev reflects hopes of the liberals that long-term period of escalating of authoritarianism is about to be replaced by softer and more liberal style of management.... Chubays noted: though there are a few concrete attributes that Medvedev will weaken control of the Kremlin over policy and economy, recent speeches of the president inspire him".


"We don't need revolution, full freedom or full democracy since next Monday now. It doesn't work in relation to Russia, - Chubays said. - But it's such historical vector which is necessary for us. Medvedev's personality and political resources prompt that we move in this direction".


The head of Ukrainian editorial board of FORUM.msk Vladimir Filin considers that "there are state machinery intrigues, bureaucratic competition between Putin's and Medvedev's environments but everything has been already stipulated and decided between them. When Medvedev will finally establish in authority and his enemies from among security officials will be completely neutralized and prostrated, Putin will leave under some specious excuse. All logic of his behaviour since autumn of the last year and promises which he has given to his foreign friends - Kissinger and Steinmaer testifies to it".


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