
Vladimir Putin Highly Appraised Julia Timoshenko, Party of Regions Has Something to Think over

Vladimir Putin Highly Appraised Julia Timoshenko, Party of Regions Has Something to Think over
ôaras Klimenko 01.07.2008

Yesterday a meeting between Julia Timoshenko and Vladimir Putin took place in Moscow. On the eve of the meeting the chapter of "Gazprom" Alexey Miller informed that the price of gas for Ukraine next year could exceed 400 dollars for one thousand cubic metre. "Now the price of the Ukrainian gas makes 179 dollars for one thousand cubic metre. In case arrangements with the countries of Central Asia at the price of gas on the basis of the Central European prices will be achieved this year, the price of gas in Ukraine will be more than 400 dollars", - he said.

At the negotiations of two prime-ministers which passed a question of principles of price making was discussed and not the concrete cost, as the price which would be set by Central Asia was not clear. However, there are all bases to assume that the price for Ukraine will grow almost twice from the next year. The heads of oil-and-gas companies of Turkmenia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan declared earlier that since 2009 they would realize natural gas to the Russian concern at the European prices. Now ôurkmenia and Uzbekistan sell gas to "Gazprom" at 130 dollars for one thousand cubic metre, while from the second half-year the price for the concern would be increased up to 150 dollars for one thousand cubic metre for Turkmen gas and up to 160 - for Uzbek one. "Gazprom" delivers the Central Asian gas to Ukraine at the price of 179.5 dollars for one thousand cubic metre on border.

Yesterday Vladimir Putin also declared that the government of Ukraine worked structurally over solving of gas questions and for today the Ukrainian consumers had no current debts before the Russian suppliers. As he said, there were only debts for gas from last years. Together with it after Miller he noted that Russia would like to introduce the European prices for gas gradually in Ukraine. "We would like to start the European pricing with Ukraine gradually", - he declared, thus he emphasized that "the Central Asian suppliers of gas stated desire to pass to the European prices on their products since January, 2009".

As to parallel change of the price for gas and tariffs for its transit through the territory of Ukraine, Putin noted that "this question is in competence of managing subjects". "On the part of the government we would like in every possible way that these arrangements would be achieved", - ex-president of Russia said.

Besides, Timoshenko and Putin touched other questions at meeting. So, ôimoshenko stressed that Ukraine and Russia promoted in creation of uniform center on enrichment of uranium: "It is especially important that we have achieved certain steps on creation of uniform interstate center on enrichment of uranium. It is very important for us, as we have received that part of a chain which is so necessary for us", - the Ukrainian prime-minister said.

She also emphasized that Ukraine was not going to reconsider conditions of basing of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation in the territory till May, 2017, having said: "We have a contract till 2017 and Ukraine will follow this contract". Timoshenko preferred not to talk with Putin about events which would happen after May, 2017, having noticed only that the given theme should not be politized.

AS to the question on introduction of Ukraine in NATO, Julia Timoshenko confirmed that it would be solved on the basis of referendum. "Opinion of people for us is - determining. The way which Ukraine will follow, will be carried out on the basis of a referendum", - she said.

From his side Putin emphasized that "a choice should be made by those countries which make for themselves decision on entering this or that block, introduction into which, certainly, will limit their sovereignty". "But this is a private matter of the countries", - the Russian prime-minister noted.

Vladimir Putin also declared that in case of introduction of Ukraine into NATO Russia will curtail cooperation with the Ukrainian enterprises occupied in coproduction of sensitive technologies. "As to sensitive technologies, first of all rocket technologies, such manufactures will be located in the territory of the Russian Federation", - he said. "We certainly will think of it beforehand, such manufactures in spite of expenses will be transferred to the territory of Russia", - Putin emphasized.

At the same time, the Russian prime-minister reminded, "we produce some types of arms under standards of NATO by ourselves and successfully offer them on the international markets".

"In this case, we, maybe, can continue some cooperation (with the Ukrainian enterprises)", - Putin said.

Making comments on negotiations, the head of the Ukrainian editorial board of FORUM.msk Vladimir Filin noted that "a theme of military - technical cooperation of Russia and Ukraine unfortunately dies in view of the fact that military-industrial complexes of two countries are subjected to irreversible degradation and lose every year competitiveness in the world markets. The Russian arms and military techniques are bought by such countries as Iran, Syria and Venezuela against which the American sanctions operate or traditional buyers. However, China, India and Algeria have a lot of claims to the Russian partners, quality of the goods delivered and production terms, by virtue of this fact the prospect of military-technical cooperation with these countries are not at all iridescent. Ukraine has even worse situation in this sphere".

"Partnership in nuclear sphere has more prospects though recently Ukraine with a view of diversification has begun to develop cooperation also with the USA".

"The theme of withdrawal of the Black Sea Fleet from Sevastopol in 2017 and introduction of Ukraine into NATO was not accented at negotiations, as those questions were solved for the Ukrainian party, as Putin perfectly well understood, Russia was not capable to oppose anything but for rhetoric, - Vladimir Filin says. - On the contrary, the Ukrainian party has nothing to oppose in relation to gas, it should finally agree with double increase in price. However, the world prices for oil have grown sevenfold during last four years, while the price of gas for Ukraine - only three-and-a-half-fold. Therefore its doubling, as well as increase in the price of transit of gas through Ukraine up to the Polish level - are quite logical decisions".

"Experience of the previous increases of the price of gas showed that the Ukrainian economy adapted for them, keeping rates of growth of gross national product at a level of Russia - the exporter of hydrocarbons. It will adapt this time also, - Vladimir Filin is convinced. - At that the rates of growth will not decrease and reorientation of economy from the East on the West will proceed and even will be sped up. Besides nobody can accuse Ukraine that someone subsidizes it, as well as it won't be accused of stealing of gas".

Vladimir Filin also paid attention that at press conference after negotiations Vladimir Putin highly appraised Julia Timoshenko. "Julia Vladimirovna is self-sufficient, very effective and popular politician in the country", - the Russian prime-minister declared. "I would suggest some people in the Party of Regions and the Communist Party think these words over and to make correct conclusions", - the head of the Ukrainian editorial board of FORUM.msk said.

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