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Why Is It Impossible In Our Country?

Why Is It Impossible In Our Country?
Аlexander Roslyakov 28.12.2010

Conversations have been taking place for many years: how to start modernization, what interferes with it and what to invent to be at least at the tail end after Taiwan and Korea? So much invention and words, radio and forum time are spent on it that, apparently, it was possible to give birth to something ten times! Though nothing has been born; and, in my opinion, all these debates - idle talk. What about?

Rates of taxes and credits, investments, technologies, science vector and so on. Everything seems to be in place - but has unless ten-sedate value in it.

Let's imagine that some clear heads managed to master production of the advanced engines or coffee grinders for five years - it's not so important. They started getting profit, just about to return credits - and what will be further? Further all that was constructed by long works would be quickly taken away by shaggy hands, squeezed out dry and transformed into the stock of the Chinese goods. Bad guys will buy yachts and Porsche Cayenne, good ones will become poor - if they can in general. It's not out of the blue sky, it's directly from a bale of present criminal, arbitration and executive cases.

There are a lot of variants to take someone else's property: from simple scuffle - to more artful schemes with participation of all branches of power consisting in our country, as Putin recognized, at eagle's foot. Here you are the simplest variant: three guys come to the owner of some property on native periphery where there's one law - taiga and beat him with words: if you will not give it to us - we will come again! The owner rushes to militia, where there is already report where it's stated that it was he who attacked those three, they hardly managed to escape. No matter how many times he would write to General Prosecutor Office, the Supreme court, on site of the Prime minister or in twitter of the President, everybody would rely on that report signed by those three against the one. If he would argue - will go to the prison for three years least, his property meanwhile will be take away from his wife or children.

Such situations happen pretty often and I am convinced that nothing will change after comb outs in connection with Kushchevskaya and Gus-Khrystalny in other places, in these once everything will soon return to their places.

Here you are more difficult scheme. Someone "temporarily not working" and smelling from spending the night under the sky declares to militia that here or there someone secretly produces drugs or nuclear bomb. His application has been registered, a search is being organized on the specified object with documentation withdrawal. The signal doesn't prove to be true - but all the same all are good fellows cause they have shown vigilance; only thus all withdrawn is unintentionally lost.

Then some partner of the company gut issue invoice for services for insignificant sum. Invoice can't be paid till restoration of the database of the company - recovery case is about to be brought. Arbitration procrastinating other cases for half a year solves this one in half an hour - it's also not infringement, on the contrary the most laudable precedent. To the evening of the same day the service of police officers arrests property of the newly appeared bankrupt. While he tries to find the partner whose company is locked for some reason, local newspaper declares auction on enterprise sale. However, its circulation - only three copies but try to prove it later!

Auctions with participation of same two unemployed pass strictly under the law, one of them receives the property exposed at so-called liquidating cost for pennies. He presents it to a local as who is neither here, nor there, he is simply diligent present-taker. It's already impossible to get this gift back.

Literally under such scheme whole electromechanical factory in Kaluga was sold for 2800 roubles - for the cost of a box with vodka bottles. Separately all swindlers in epaulets operated under the law or with such small flaws for which to let someone to stay in prison, having proved collusion - is extremely hard work. Who and following whose sign would undertake it - even the President thinks that it's impossible to imprison for economic crimes.

At that if not to imprison, it is necessary to give up any industrial progress as a bad job. To construct something efficient and new is necessary to spend great lot of time and forces, while it takes minutes to take it away! Thus innovator himself suffers absolute risk: he remains without a penny in case of failure, while if he wins, he would be deprived of this very penny! What loony, even at the most preferential rates and credits, begins to build on such sand? Consequently today if something operates and is being build - only under the roof of a small group of feudal lords-oligarchs, or world giants with their diplomatic protection. All rest business was sleeping till the shortest and most primitive turns, where there's no use to let it grow.

If there was some protection against shaggy robbery, our businessmen would pump over modernization long time ago and combined it with science. There are still patriots of business and the country among them who are sick and tired of selling domestic air and the Chinese consumer goods. There is a lot of easy money and creative wit in the country - we hustle through such operations with same air! But while there's no law - our ruling duet already openly recognizes it - no modernization could happen. Let even numerous experts and analytics have their tongues twister talking about modernization, nobody would go on this scaffold.

By the way one rather fair though not rather popular expert - Herman Gref - has answered the question why our Stabilization Fund went to the West, instead of going on our development: "Because everything would be plundered in our country". This larceny hasn't disappeared not only to this day, it even has been affirmed in legal, moral and cultural plan.

"What for to create, what for to suffer, if it is more pleasant to steal!"

"If you find it and silently went away - it would mean you found it!"


The newest youth deprived of patriotic "troubles" already grows on such platform. There's a guy who grew up before my eyes, after graduation from the institute he occupied on protection some modest post in the sphere of justice: assistant on any house affairs. A month later he bought Porsche Cayenne, a year later - apartment in the new house. All inhabitants of the house were pleasant with his successes: there were robberies of building materials in other houses, the best tile and double-glazed windows were built in our block free of charge. Before we managed to say Jack knife, the thief became the most respectable and partial person. Though all shout without giving names: "Hold thief!" - who would say something about the one who brought a part of the stolen to his block or even apartment? Our masters of culture degenerated because of the same reason: it is enough to catch larger thief who brought the same tile, they start protecting him pathetically. Why only they don't come to protect the robed ones?

In general all difficult way of modernization, as it's treated by analysts earning their living from debates and consequently being ready to tear up own throats endlessly, is actually very simple. To begin modernization in industry, it's necessary to start modernization in our consciousness and law-enforcement system. It could be find neither here, nor there. Legal reform follows obviously fictitious way with fear to restrain rotted police board protecting in our country not citizens but from them.

Citizens are also glad to get any tip from thieves' imperious table. They try to get away from any policy at their meetings of deceived and swindled: we have claims to kennelmen and not to the tsars! We want only to get our tiles back, we have nothing to do with all the rest! Consequently all those conversations about modernization - lies with purpose to eclipse true essence. At such eclipse we are a hundred years far from that technical progress which "the third countries" have easily achieved.

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