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Real Fights with Demands to Dismiss Government Took Place at Night in Riga

Real Fights with Demands to Dismiss Government Took Place at Night in Riga
About three tens people including policemen suffered in the course of yesterday's actions in Riga. 126 of protestants were arrested, Postimees informs. According to the Latvian mass-media, the majority of injured received injuries of head and limbs, some also suffered from tear gas used by police to clear demonstrators away. On the materials of photo agencies is seen that to clear the crowd away both special forces of police and military police  were used.
Battles in Riga started after peace meeting which participators demanded dismiss of the parliament. About 1000 people - the Russian and Latvians - went after the meeting to the building of the parliament and ostensibly started throwing it with stones and bottles. "Ostensibly" because, according to a number of versions, police provokers were introduced into the crowd of protestants intentionally to imitate "disorders" and to narrow political demands down to simple massacre.
Prime-minister Ivan Godmanis considers it impossible that disorders in front of the building of Sejm have been planned beforehand, "Interfax" transfers from Riga.
"It's already not a song-like revolution", - Godmanis noted, having added that "appeals in Internet were fixed and foreign servers were used". That is Godmanis precisely repeats prime-minister Putin who considers that those who protest against authority "are jackals who beg for scraps at foreign embassies".
Correspondent of ERR in Riga Ragnar Kond informed that early in the morning situation in the capital of Latvia was usual but for broken windows in some buildings of the Old Town and multitude of cleaners liquidating consequences of night actions. According to Konda, the building of Ministry of Economic Affairs suffered most of all. Glass in the building of the bank Parex were replaced by veneer sheets. Till now passers-by are not being allowed to the building of Sejm.
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