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What Does Putin Want to Show to the World?

What Does Putin Want to Show to the World?
Таtyana Volkova 07.08.2013

After exposures made by Snowden the German chancellor Angela Merkel appeared in a difficult situation on the eve of the upcoming parliamentary elections, she terminated agreements with the USA and Great Britain signed in 1968 and 1969 allowing intelligence services of these states to carry out electronic investigation in the German territory, allegedly for safety of the billeted there American and British armies.

However the Europeans — serious people therefore they will hide their heads in sand and convince themselves that the world remains such as they see it on CNN screens. Therefore plane of the head of the Saudi investigation prince Bandar bin Sultan which unexpectedly for the whole world landed on July, 31 in Vnukovo was the first sign announcing upcoming of "the world after Snowden".


Prince got used to read not “New York Times", but intelligence reports therefore Snowden's materials which undoubtedly prove that on September, 11, 2001 the American intelligence services performed special operation in the style of arson of Reichstag weren't news for him, things much more stunning were required so that having received them prince despite the Arab tradition to drink at first tea began straight away.

On behalf of king Abdullah prince suggested Putin to transfer visit to Iran to the middle of month and approximately on August, 7 go to Egypt where "strong person" of this country, the Minister of Defence, general Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi waits for him. The army of Egypt, the largest army of Africa and the Middle East after the ruin of the USSR received the American military help and bought weapon from the USA and their allies.

Knowing it, Secretary of the State John Kerry already sent to Cairo the head of foreign policy department of EU baroness Catharine Ashton and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany Guido Westerwelle to try to keep el-Sisi from precipitate step. They failed to execute their mission and Kerry again sent to Cairo William Burns who returned back after the first visit empty-handed. On Saturday Burns meets the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the intermediate government Nabil Fahmi and waits for the audience with the Minister of Defence.

Nevertheless, apparently, generals will take this step and they don’t consider it precipitate. It is a question of the largest contract for delivery of the Russian arms to Egypt for which, unlike similar Soviet contracts, there’s no need of the credit as everything will be paid by the most important ally of the USA in the region - Saudi Arabia.

In the day of arrival of prince to Moscow sit-down strike of supporters of overthrown Egyptian president Mohamed Mursi suspected of espionage in favor of the USA was recognized as threat to the national security. Fighters of division of the Republican guard whose usual duties include protection of the president already change clothes for police forms and go to the capital streets to the pleasure of new allies of Egypt in Riyadh, to the disgust of the main ally of the Islamic brotherhood — Good Empire.

Putin will use this visit to show to the world, especially to the Arabian and Islamic world that he is the only leader of the largest powers, openly committed to the fight against radical Islam and ready to help moderate Arab leaders that he recently proved in Syria.

I believe that recall of the Egyptian volunteers who fight on the side of Islamists from Syria will be one of the agreements reached during this visit, it will cause Islamists bigger quantitative damage, than the heaviest battles. Putin's visit in the middle of the month to Tehran will show that Russia increases presence in the centers of force of the Middle East whereas the USA loses positions.

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