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Margaret Thatcher Died: Her Business Still Kills People, Example - Inspires Belief and Fortitude

Margaret Thatcher Died: Her Business Still Kills People, Example - Inspires Belief and Fortitude
Delyagin Michael 09.04.2013

One of the greatest politicians of the XX century - Margaret Thatcher - died.

It was she who – before Reagan – began great liberal counterrevolution which now under the cover of world crisis eats up social state.

The daughter of the small shopkeeper, being shopkeeper herself in her views and belief she relieved Great Britain of that excessive freight of social security under which burden the great Soviet Union cracked. Having put end to bureaucratic perversion of socialism, she returned competitiveness to the country and didn't stop having subordinated policy to the interests of large business which became global in many respects thanks to her efforts.

She was lucky as firm, hard-shell and working people could be are lucky.

She crushed miner's movement by privatization and carried out terrible reform of power industry which later was copied by the Russian liberals, the country received sea gas and prime cost of energy fell having justified all her actions.

She almost became history as "thief of milk" (having cancelled its distribution at schools), but "Red Star" casually called her “the Iron Lady” having presented her the second name.

She caused mass social protest which would sweep her away, but she resolutely and firmly used chance given to her by Falkland crisis and, having ridden on the wave of patriotism, returned pride and belief in own forces to the country.

When Argentinians sank "Belfast" she stayed all night writing condolence letters to the families of died seamen, she wrote all of the by hand.

Furious fighter who started way to policy from doorbelling subordinated whole world entraining both Reagan and Gorbachev.

It was she who having learned in 1984 (on a legend) that the spouse of the member of Politburo of the Central Committee of CPSU paid off in "Harrods" with elite card pushed the West to place stake on him.

It was she who started "Desert Storm", having declared to Bush: "Time of fluctuations came to end", and highly experienced thoroughbred politician simply obeyed.

She had no scruples to answer "good riddance", having learned that fifteen thousand intellectuals who couldn’t bear petty-bourgeois spirit brought by her left England, and quietly answered excited activists that Bobbie Sends and his friends have full right to starve themselves to death in protest against her policy.

It was she who being already baroness extorted from young snobs from Russia info about their professions, not understanding sincerely their answer "we are politicians", persistently asking again, how they earn for living and setting herself (quite good chemist) as example.

Margaret Thatcher - sincere and staunch - stood at the origins of wave of the liberal fundamentalism which covered and destroyed the whole world. She became "thinking guillotine", Lenin of liberal era of counterrevolution of elites, in many respects she created that era for herself.

The era "ate" her as it usually happens: in 1990 Thatcher lost the power, as a matter of fact, because of intraparty betrayal.

She wasn't our friend, but her values cast not only our country, but also all modern world into today’s catastrophe.

Moreover: as well as many others (the same Churchill, for example), she was our enemy – conscious, firm and clever, therefore she deserves our respect and our love.

Margaret Thatcher became history as example of how right devotion to idea can start new era in the history of mankind and inhale the second life into the whole people.

As it happens to great people, she managed to finish own idea to the point of absurdity personally, but we will remember her not for it.

We will remember her for her internal honesty and integrity which subordinated all, as well as for the thought that people of such honesty and integrity will bring our country and the whole world out of present catastrophe.

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