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Ukraine Can't Provide Citizens with Right for Life

Ukraine Can't Provide Citizens with Right for Life

It’s been confirmed that one of the biggest European countries with population about 45 million people has no army. That is there are no armed forces. In general. The Minister of Defence admiral Tenyukh declared that from 57 thousand military personnel only 6 thousand are efficient and it is very optimistic assessment. It is national catastrophe, it’s under-state, if someone hasn’t understood.

Surprising event of the newest world history received final explanation - how crowd of the highest primacies with sticks and stones managed to take the government in the large European power. The president of the power Victor Yanukovych and his administration were busy with theft to such extend that they didn't notice that their power simply couldn't be protected. Military men said lies that they couldn’t oppose own people "from principle", while they couldn't do it in any way in general.

Actually there are no attributes of the government. There was simply no one who could protect Yanukovych's state - small police formation "Berkut" and that’s all. At that “Berkut” far-sightedly wasn't given out weapon and was forbidden to shoot. In Ancient Egypt of pre-dynastic period people battled with usage of cold weapon. In Ukraine people fought using stones and sticks, at that defenders of the state had artificial, rubber sticks.

Naturally, the power in the country got those who had longer sticks. If Napoleon lived in the Stone Age, he would tell "God is on the side of long sticks!"

In essence, the Ukrainian "armed forces" were suitable only for one thing - to be killed in unequal battle that it was the cause of introduction of troops from civilized countries for rescue of endangered breed of the state. At that the most patriotic people of the state demand occupation of the country by NATO forces while other patriots insist on occupation of the country by the Russian armies which only 20 years ago represented unity with “armed forces” of Ukraine. Neither the first, nor the second or the third dream to solve problems by own efforts.

Eventually it is necessary to recognize that at the moment there is no state in Ukraine in general. All these turchinovs, yatsenuks, sashka belys, yanukovyches, yaroshes and so on are simply inhabitants of the biggest in Europe monkey house. Monkey houses have no sovereignty.

For example, the acting Minister of Defence, admiral Tenyukh in the Soviet period was the commander of a mine trawler. His further record is connected with revolutions – of 1991, "orange", today’s "brown" with a break to get the diploma of Institute of Foreign Languages of the Ministry of Defence of the USA. By 2010 "admiral" was pensioned off, but Yatsenyuk pulled out his colleague from a box with naphthalene and urged to direct all "armed forces". The Minister of Defence of Ukraine at once started active consultations with NATO command about carrying out of joint doctrines in the territory of the Nikolaev, the Odessa and the Kherson regions and in water areas of the Black Sea adjoining to them, as he was taught in institute at the Ministry of Defence of the USA...

Certainly, at the moment there’s state in Russia, though it’s such state which is better not exists... It provides the right for life at least to the few, not to all.

There are also citizens of Ukraine, simple people and it appeared that there’s no one who could protect their interests. So-called "state" turned out to be incapable to carry out the main task - to provide citizens at least with the right for life. It will shortly become clear that this under-state can't provide a lot of things, practically nothing. Even to collect police (i.e. "national guard") because treasury has no money even to feed and dress up, not to mention providing with weapon, barracks and other types of allowance.

Aspiration of citizens thrown by the state to find protection in other state is quite natural. More cruel, less human, not so fair, but at least existing. Though “own” under-state continues to lay "claims" to these citizens, at that the claims are laid both by run-away president Yanukovych and strangers from Kiev.

Meanwhile the staff of the American private military company "Grey Stone Ltd" started preparation of diversionary and assault groups for solution of tasks in rear regions not submitting to the central power in Shepetovsky training center. Generally diversionary divisions are completed with representatives of "The right sector".

"The left sector" has no divisions at the moment, and their business is in general not very well.


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