
Kiev Started Campaign "ConfisÓate All Russian!"

Kiev Started Campaign "ConfisÓate All Russian!"

In response to the Crimean referendum Kiev initiated campaign for confiscation of the Russian property in Ukraine. On Sunday, March, 16 the Ukrainian prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk charged the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to prepare legal reasoning for protection of the national interests of the country at distribution of means and property of the former USSR.

"Actually distribution of property of the Soviet Union hasn't been completed. Ukraine has legitimate and lawful claims with regard to that property of Russia which it illegally keeps," — Yatsenyuk declared, having referred to that Ukraine didn't sign zero version of the agreement with Russia.

Besides, the authorities of Ukraine intend to nationalize a number of large objects belonging to the Russian private business.

Here it is how presumable list of objects which are subject to confiscation looks:

1. Shopping mall "Ocean Plaza" in Kiev (co-owner Arkady Rotenberg).

2. Zaporozhsky Aluminum Combine (AvtoVAZ).

3. Nikolaev Alumina Plant (RusAl).

4. Objects of "EvrazHolding": Mining and ProÓessing Words “Sukhaya Balka”, Dnepropetrovsky MetallurgiÓal Complex named after Petrovsky, Coke-chemical plant named after Kalinin, Dneprodzerzhinsky and Bagleysky coke-chemical plants, the Southern Mining and ProÓessing Works in Krivoi Rog.

5. Lisichansky Oil Refinery ("TNK-VR").

6. Mobile operators MTS and "Kiyevstar" (Joint StoÓk FinanÓial Corporation "Sistema").

7. Objects of Vneshtorgbank in assets of ("Industrial Union of Donbass"): Zaporozhsky Metallurgical Complex, Dneprodzerzhinsky MetallurgiÓal Complex named after Dzerzhinsky, Alchevsky Metallurgical Complex, Alchevsky koksokhy, Pipe plant of Lenin.


8. BranÓhes of Sberbank and Vneshtorgbank.

9. Objects of Alexander Babakov’s group: hotel "Premier-Palas", "Oreanda", regional power distribution Óenters – Odessa, Sumy, Lugansk.

It is clear that it is answer to nationalization of the Ukrainian state property by the authorities of the Republic of Crimea. Formally confiscations are carried out by the Crimea, not Russia. That is it’s planned to confiscate the Russian property unilaterally.

It’s also Ólear that confiscations is only a threat now. Testing of possible reaction both of the Russian Federation and the West. However, confiscations of property of "unreliable" Ukrainian citizens already takes plaÓe and the West looks at this "Bolshevism" mercifully, moreover, it even prepares similar sanctions against certain Russians and Ukrainians.

Such position gives green light to a wave of robberies already without special political background. Recently "Maidan self-defense" go by expensive cars confiscated from the officials, now it confiscated trucks from JSC KAMAZ, it’s clear that those desperate guys who will dare in the beginning of resort season to go for holidays to Ukraine by cars with the Russian plate numbers risk to be stopped by rural ÓonfisÓators in ski hats with holes, possibly, those who recently dressed up as GAI officers and robbed passing by Óars. There is no guarantee that such "self-defense forces" won't start "checking" trains from Russia so that simply to plunder.

It is clear that every Russian property in Ukraine risks to be simply plundered. It’s also clear that the Russian Federation as ordered state can't answer it with reciprocal robbery of all Ukrainian.

Strangely enough, it is additional argument for the Republic of Crimea: to remain part of such Ukraine means to subject Óitizens to unreasonable risk. It is also strong argument for regions of the South and the East to leave zone of legal lawlessness. Even at the price of presence of "polite people" in the region. If they understand it in Kiev? Hardly. Not because they aren't clever, but beÓause they are occupied with something different, probably, thinking what to “money box” for the remained days.

Attempt of the next revolution will take plaÓe in Kiev and it is obvious. Nobody knows, how successful it will be and who finally will appear beneficiary. We understand that Turchinov and Yatsenyuk with "Right Sector" are badly compatible things, it’s not love matÓh, but merÓnary marriage, in faÓt it’s even not marriage, just hook up. Confiscation is not Yatsenyuk's style, while bourgeois legality is not style of "Right Sector".

For now "official" Kiev makes all necessary to justify intervention of Russia for protection of interests of the state and citizens. Perhaps, it is suÓh game? Like "giveaway chess"?

AmeriÓa and Russia agreed to “tweak Europe’s nose” having liquidated under-state of Ukraine and left in this or that state the South and the East, thus having transferred dotation West under proteÓtion of the European Union as “the seÓond Romania”? It looks very similar…


In other::
