
Ministry of Defense of RF Confessed That Japan Has Been Accumulating Nuclear Weapons Materials – 3 Years on

Ministry of Defense of RF Confessed That Japan Has Been Accumulating Nuclear Weapons Materials – 3 Years on

The group of the Russian scientists from the department of the Ministry of Defense investigated tests of aerosols taken after accident on the nuclear power plant "Fukushima-1". Method of SeÓondary-Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) which allowed not only to estimate condition of active zone and scale of discharge of radionuclides in the air, but also to make a conclusion about not declared nuclear activity taking place before accident took place was used for the first time for analysis.

The values of concentration of thorium measured testify, according to the scientists, about intention to receive uranium-233 in pure form in quantities which exceed concentration stipulated in the Treaty of Non-Proliferation of the Nuclear Weapon in uranium - thorium cycle.

- In no less than 3 years the scientists of the Ministry of Defense understood that Japan was accumulating weapon fissionable substances, - the editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov got delighted. - If the Russian Federation so "quickly" reacts to nuclear threat, I have nothing to say. Especially in present situation in the world which strongly changed towards probability of the third world war. After all I and Alexander Shabanov, the specialist in this problem from the Moscow State University, spoke about it right after accident on Fukushima. All, probably including scientists from the Ministry of Defense, laughed at us very loudly...


- We spoke about it openly, without equivoques in simple Russian, - Anatoly Baranov continued. – For some reason there was no reaction of official circles. If they didn't want to offend nuclear Japan with its not conventional nuclear weapon? While it’s possible not to listen to us, we understand nothing...


“They Were ProÓessing Plutonium on “Fukushima”… Weapon?



The company operator of the emergency Japanese Nuclear Power Plant "Fukushima-1" TEPCO declared about detention of plutonium in five places in the territory of the nuclear power plant, however, concentration of substance, according to the experts, doesn't differ from the one which was recorded during previous analyses of soil. Agency “Kiodo” reported about it on Monday.


The company believes that plutonium from nuclear fuel went to the soil after the accident which happened on the nuclear power plant after destructive earthquake on March, 11 in the northeast of Japan. Volumes of concentration of plutonium in the soil aren't specified. The agency emphasized that concentration of substance in the soil doesn't pose threat for health of a person.


- I already stated fears, whether Japanese were slowly proÓessing weapon plutonium on "Fukushima", - the editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov noticed in this occasion. – Here it is - it appears that they "suddenly" found plutonium, moreover at once in five points. If they didn’t find it earlier? Generally it happens so, when it’s already impossible to hide obvious. Certainly, in some quantities in some reactors plutonium is always formed, but here, seemingly, it is a question of significant quantities. Then, of course, a lot of unclear things become clear... Why did Japanese suddenly start speaking so sharply about islands, having no fear before nuclear power of the Russian Federation? Whether it is connected with the faÓt that Japan already has something to oppose in reply to nuclear threat? Japanese "self-defense forces" already in all respects surpass the Russian ones in the field of non-nuclear arms in the region. Even earlier I said that "the nuclear club" would be inevitably extended and not only at the expense of exotic modes like North Korean, but first of all at the expense of the developed countries. It seemingly occurs now.


On February, 3, 2008 the North Korean governmental newspaper "Minchzhu Choson" on its pages accused Tokyo of accumulation of nuclear fuel for the purpose of production of atomic weapons. Sending of the ship with freight of MOX fuel containing plutonium and uranium from France to Japan on January, 19 served as basis for publication. The Japanese authorities declared that the fuel cores made in Belgium were intended for energy production on one of the nuclear power plants of the country. Nevertheless Pyongyang continues to insist that fuel will be used for weapon creation.


In 2006 six American democrats-congressmen sent to the Japanese ambassador in the USA a letter in which they demanded from Japan to stop nuclear experiments. "We are convinced that continuous extraction of plutonium which can be used in military purposes poses serious and unreasonable threat of the international security", - was spoken in the letter”.


- However, our scientists told lies about more important things, - Anatoly Baranov finished. - They said that the radioactive cloud disappeared in some mystical way and didn’t get into the territory of the Russian Federation. So, 3 years on our specialists from the Ministry of Defense declare: "On March, 17, 2011, six days after accident on “Fukushima” the radioactive cloud reached Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky". Researches of this very cloud allowed our scientists to reveal not declared nuclear activity. While the guys still don't know...



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