
Berlusoni Was Caught on Lolitas and What about His Friends?

Berlusoni Was Caught on Lolitas and What about His Friends?

On Monday the court of Milan sentenced the former prime minister of Italy Silvio Berlusconi to seven years of imprisonment on scandalous "Ruby's” Óase within which the politician was accused of participation in prostitution of juveniles and of abuse of official position. Besides, according to a judgment, Berlusconi won't be able to hold state positions for lifelong period.

Trial against the ex-prime minister began in April, 2011. Investigation accused him of intimate communication with young MoroÓann Karima el-Marug by niÓkname "Ruby", the participant of well-known parties on Berlusconi's country house when she wasn't 18 years old yet, for that the girl received gifts and rewards.

- Ancient Romans, Berlusconi's fellow countrymen, used to say: "A man is known by his friends", - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov reminds. - Well, we all know now who Silvio Berlusconi is - pedophile. His friends are also known - Putin and Medvedev.

- One shouldn’t think that these are only legal formalities, not close friendship, - Anatoly Baranov continued. - Let's begin with the fat that onÓe Putin had rest in Berlusconi's estate on Sardinia with daughters. I hope it was without exotic but no one goes with daughters to have rest right and left. Besides Putin's favourite child South Stream is Óreated by means of Berlusconi with active participation of the Italian industry – they Ólaim in Ukraine that on unreasonably high priÓes. Such things are also not entrusted right and left. Well and at last whom got Libya and Gaddafi, if not friends Berlusconi and Sarkozy? These are friends of our president…

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